
Do you want to replace missing teeth? Are you wondering what options are available to restore your full set of teeth?

Many people decide to replace their missing teeth because they are not happy with the appearance of missing teeth, or because they worry about what other people may think of missing teeth. However, the benefits of replacing missing teeth extend beyond appearance, as we regularly see here at our dentist Kallangur, Dakabin Dental.

If you have become accustomed to missing teeth, it can be easy to forget how a missing tooth can impact your chewing. It can be easy to ‘accept’ all the challenges missing teeth pose when it comes to chewing, eating, cleaning between the gap, and keeping your gums healthy. It can be easy to miss the connection between missing teeth and jaw pain.

Furthermore, not having missing teeth replaced can ultimately affect the shape of your cheek and jaws, as bone structure gradually shrinks.

For these reasons and others, dental implants are a popular treatment option for missing teeth at your local North Lake Dentist or Kallangur dental surgery. In this article, your local Dakabin dentist will be explaining what dental implants are and how they work.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a screw-like structure, commonly made of titanium, that replaces the natural tooth roots of your missing teeth. They are installed within the jawbone and gum tissue by a Dakabin dental specialist. From this position, they act as an anchor or base for a dental crown to be fitted in place.  

A dental crown is a covering for a tooth or implant. It is frequently used with existing teeth that are damaged or fractured, which are no longer of full size. They are made to appear like your surrounding teeth, creating a natural and life-like appearance. This is also the case when they are fitted over a dental implant.

The jaw and gums will often require a period to adequately secure around the implant before the permanent crown can be bonded over the top. As such dental implants are not an immediate fix, but they are a long-lasting and long-term solution.

Can Anyone Get A Dental Implant?

Most people with missing teeth are eligible to get a dental implant. However, your dentist will be able to make specialised recommendations after reviewing your circumstances and assessing your teeth. It is important that you do not have certain underlying health conditions. Your dentist will be able to determine the suitability of dental implants for you.

Where Can I Get A Dental Implant In Dakabin?

If you want a dental implant in Dakabin, your best bet is to find a trusted dentist near me who has the experience, equipment, and community trust to undertake your dental implant procedure.

Dakabin Dental is proud to be helping members of the community restore their missing teeth, giving them back the confidence they deserve, reducing their discomfort, and restoring functionality to their mouth. Contact us today on (07) 3888 7752 or info@dakabindental.com to take the first step towards replacing your missing teeth.

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Childhood is a very important period for your child’s dental development. As your Dakabin dentist has seen over the years, how healthy a person’s baby teeth are can have a lasting impact on their oral health and wellbeing throughout their entire life and adulthood.

Regular visits to your dentist north lakes in the early years can set up strong dental habits, such as correct toothbrushing methods, and prevent dental anxiety from ever forming. Therefore, it’s highly important to follow the advice of your dentist near me about your child’s dental health.


What you need to know about baby teeth

The development of teeth begins while your baby is still in the womb. By the time your child is born, if their oral development is typical, they will have a full array of 20 baby teeth, also known as ‘primary’ or ‘milk’ teeth. However, these teeth will be hidden under the gums.

Teething refers to the process of when these hidden teeth begin to emerge from the gums. The first instance of a tooth starting to erupt through the gums may happen when a child is only a few months old. However, it can also take up to a year for the first tooth to emerge.

Baby teeth do not all emerge at once, but tend to follow a pattern. By the age of three, usually all 20 of these teeth have emerged fully.

Teething can be uncomfortable for your child and can take up to a week for each tooth. Fortunately, there are several methods to help them to remain comfortable during the process. Your dentist near me can tell you all about dental massage by parents, the use of teething rings or rusks, and the removal of drool which can lead to rash and irritation.


Why do baby teeth matter?

Even though baby teeth will eventually fall out, usually starting from the time when the child turns six, they play a very important role in guiding the development of adult teeth. Besides, they need to be healthy in the here and now for your child to be able to speak, eat and chew productively.

Baby teeth can be prone to tooth decay, because they are of softer material but also because children are not always capable or interested in maintaining their own dental hygiene, parents may not know how to brush properly, and because children may consume a lot of sugar.


Children’s dentist in Dakabin

At our North Lake dentist, eligible parents and their children can participate in the Medicare Child Dental Benefits Schedule (CDBS). Under this arrangement, your child aged from two years to 17 years of age can receive basic dental care and treatments totalling up to $1000 over a two-year period at our Kallangur dental surgery.

That means bulk-billed and gap-free dentist visits for your children with our Dakabin dentist! Contact Dakabin Dental today on (07) 3888 7752, info@evertonhillsdental.com.au or book online to ensure your little ones are experiencing good oral health, healthy dental development and have access to an emergency dentist. You can also receive treatments like dental implants, smile makover, root canal treatment and much more.

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Bruxism is the official term used to describe the clenching and grinding of teeth. In this article Dakabin Dental, your most trusted dentist north lakes, will explain the ins and outs of bruxism treatment and how you can put a stop to the potential damage caused by this destructive habit.

What problems can bruxism cause?

Here are just a few of the possible effects of bruxism:

  • Jaw pain or tenderness from overworking the muscles.
  • Popping or clicking within the jaw.
  • Tooth pain, neck pain, facial pain and headaches.
  • Keeping your partner awake with grinding noises while you are asleep.
  • Fracturing of tooth enamel, wearing down of teeth, or even loose teeth.
  • Temporomandibular joint disorder or other issues with the jaw joint.

The issues described above are often the symptoms that help people to realise that they need bruxism treatment. However, some people do not experience any symptoms and it is occasionally the dentist near me who can tell that someone is grinding their teeth unawares, just by looking at the patterns of wear during a dental examination.

How can I stop myself from clenching and grinding my teeth?

Your Dakabin dentist, dentist Redcliffe or Kallangur dental surgery will be able to advise on which treatment method is most appropriate to you. Some methods focus on stopping bruxism, whereas others focus on reducing the damage that it can cause. Depending on your circumstances, your North Lake Dentist may recommend:

  • Reducing stress levels in your life. This may be through conscious lifestyle choices, reducing your workload, or changing your thinking. It could be through active self care such as fitting in more exercise, reading or watching your favourite TV program.
  • Wearing a custom mouthguard or dental mouthguard at night, which may sometimes be referred to as a bite guard, a bite plate or even an occlusal appliance. This can be custom made by a dentist near me to fit your teeth perfectly. This method is effective but can take a few nights to get used to.
  • Grinding and clenching are occasionally caused by an uneven bite. In extreme cases, a procedure called reductive or additive coronoplasty may be considered to level out the bite and stop the grinding habit.
  • Exercises, botox and biofeedback are sometimes also involved within bruxism treatment strategies.
  • Damage that has been caused by your teeth may be able to be corrected with dental crowns, dental bridges, dental fillings, or full mouth rehabilitation. Your dentist Redcliffe will be able to undertake a thorough exam and advise on the best approach.

If you are suffering from bruxism and require the assistance of a Dakabin dentist, contact Dakabin Dental today on (07) 3888 7752 to put an end to your teeth grinding or teeth clenching.

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1. Professional teeth whitening

One of the easiest, most affordable and most effective ways to transform your smile is with professional teeth whitening at your dentist near me. A brighter and whiter smile can have enormous positive impacts on your overall appearance, and the results can start to show instantly after your treatment at a dental clinic near me.

2. Veneers

If you are seeking whiter, brighter, straighter and better shaped teeth, dental veneers can provide the ultimate cosmetic solution to enhance the aesthetic of your smile. Veneers are bonded onto your healthy existing teeth to drastically improve the appearance of your mouth. Each veneer is custom designed to reflect the shape and colour you desire.

3. Wisdom teeth removal

The eruption of your wisdom teeth can cause movement and misalignment of your smile, so some Dakabin dentists will recommend having these third molars removed. Our dentists can assess your mouth and jaw to determine whether wisdom teeth removal is recommended for you.

4. White fillings

If you have tooth decay, white fillings may be an appropriate solution for restoring your teeth. White fillings are safe and common – most importantly, they blend in with the rest of your smile.

5. Dental implants

A gap in your smile can affect the overall appearance of your mouth and face. For patients who have lost a tooth or severely damaged a tooth, our North Lake dentists may recommend dental implants as an effective solution for repairing your smile.

6. Hygiene treatment

Hygiene treatments may be recommended or offered by your North Lake dentist during your regular dental check-ups. Some Kallangur dental surgeries will advise that you should have a hygiene treatment every six months to ensure your smile stays healthy and clean. Talk to your dentist Dakabin about whether a hygiene treatment would be beneficial for you.

7. Gum disease treatment

If your gums are red, swollen and bleeding, this could be an indication that you have gum disease. When caught in its early stages, gum disease can be easily treated and you can return to a healthy smile.

8. Orthodontics

For those who are wanting to straight their teeth, orthodontic treatment could prove useful. Your dentist near me can help to get you started on your orthodontic journey and keep you on track towards a straighter smile.

9. Porcelain crowns

Porcelain crows can be a great way to complement or complete your dental implants and bring back your natural smile. If you have severely damaged or missing teeth, we recommend booking an appointment with our Dakabin dental clinic to transform your smile.

10. Full mouth restoration

At Dakabin Dental, we offer complete smile transformations for suitable patients. This means our expert dentists can work one-on-one with you to develop an effective plan for improving and enhancing your smile. As part of the process, they may recommend one or more of the aforementioned treatment methods. Get in touch with the Dakabin Dental team on (07) 3888 7752 to book an initial consultation today or visit our Instagram or Facebook pages for any queries or tips.



Bleeding gums can be stressful and unpleasant. Many people go to their dentist north lakes complaining of gum bleeding. Blood in the mouth is a nasty surprise and often a scary one too. In this article, the Dakabin Dental team will be discussing some of the common causes of bleeding gums and touching on how you can stop your gums from bleeding.


Poor Dental Hygiene

Accumulation of bacteria-filled plaque around the bottom of the teeth and around the gumline can caused gums to become inflamed and bleed. This has the potential to develop into tooth decay or gum disease if left untreated. It is a common cause of gingivitis.


High Stress

Stress has been found to be associated with periodontal disease. The connection may relate to the way that stress reduces the effectiveness of the immune system. This can in turn make it difficult for the body to deal with gum infection. Consider changing your lifestyle to reduce stress.


Low levels of Vitamin C

Your immune system may also be weak due to limited Vitamin C intake or Vitamin C deficiency. The most popular food that contains Vitamin C is oranges and orange juice, but you can also take supplements to ensure you are hitting your recommended daily levels.


Vigorous Brushing

There’s a chance your gums are bleeding as you are brushing too vigorously. Consider changing to a brush with softer bristles or brushing more softly. Bleeding can also be caused by flossing too vigorously between the teeth.


Thin Blood

People who bleed easily, have thin blood due to being on blood thinners, or who have a Vitamin K deficiency all may experience bleeding of the gums more than others.


Underlying Health Issues

Your bleeding, swollen gums may be associated with an underlying condition, though there is no need to panic as there are many other more harmless causes for bleeding gums. Conditions which are sometimes responsible for bleeding gums include Diabetes, Leukaemia, and Thrombocytopenia.


Too many carbohydrates and sugar

Sugar encourages the development of plaque, which results in bleeding gums. Therefore, it may make sense to limit your intake of sugary foods and drinks. Fruit and yoghurt are healthy foods with high sugar levels to be aware of.


Medical prescriptions for gums bleeding

If you have a medical prescription, for example for blood thinners, then you may be prone to bleeding. Have a look at the official medical side effects of your prescribed medications or engage your doctor for dental checkup. Cigarettes are another common cause of gum bleeding.


Can a dentist near me help?

One sure way to help stop your bleeding is to improve your dental hygiene. This can be done by practising good dental habits at home. However, a deeper hygienic clean carried out by a dentist Kallangur is the best way to address the issue wholeheartedly. If bleeding is ever profuse you may need a dentist near me.

A Dakabin dentist can also help you to figure out the cause of your bleeding gums, provide a deep clean and soft tissue therapy, to stop your bleeding and improve your dental health. If it occurs, contact our Kallangur dental surgery Dakabin Dental today on (07) 3888 7752 or book online.

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We will help you find the right solution for you


5 Reasons to choose Dakabin Dental

Experienced Staff at Dakabin Dental Clinic

Experienced Staff

We are a team of highly trained dental experts. Ready to answer your questions.

"Innovative Technology for Smile Makeover "

Innovative Technology

Dakabin utilise some of the latest technology on the market to achieve your smile goals.

Flexible Payment Plans

Flexible Payment Plans

Achieve your smile goals today with payment plans that are flexible & tailored.

High star rating

5 Star Rating on Google!

Dakabin are proud to be so highly reviewed on Google. We strive to achieve quality work.

Dakabin Dental Clinic Location

Dakabin’s Specialist Team

The team at Dakabin Dental are proud to have a highly trained and specialist team.


We have an extensive range of Google Reviews. Here’s just a few.

Common Questions


What if I’m a nervous patient?

Our dentists take a patient-centric, gentle approach to treatment, which means we prioritise your comfort above all else.

What do you charge?

We pride ourselves on offering an affordable dental service and ensuring our patients have access to a wide range of treatment options to suit every budget. Every patient is different, so we will tailor our services to your needs. Talk to us about our payment plans today.

How do I book an appointment?

To book a dental appointment with our team, you can use the online booking system on our website or contact our team on (07) 3354 1448. After an initial consultation, we’ll be able to get started on your smile makeover journey.

Can pregnant or breast-feeding women visit?

Absolutely. It’s important that pregnant and breast-feeding women continue to see the dentist throughout maternity as untreated dental problems can pose a significant health risk. Our modern digital technology ensures that both mother and baby are safe in our clinic, including if x-rays need to be conducted.

Can your equipment be trusted?

The Dakabin Dental clinic is new, which means all our equipment and technology is reliable, modern and unfailing. Our team were diligent when investing in the equipment for our clinic, ensuring each item would support our mission of gentle, effective dental care.


Monday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am – 7:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am – 7:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday: by appointment only
Sunday: Closed


Shop 16, Dakabin Shopping Centre1 Alma Road, Dakabin QLD 4503


(07) 3888 7752

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Monday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am – 7:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am – 7:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday: by appointment only
Sunday: Closed

Full Mouth Rehabilitation
Dental Crowns and Bridges
Teeth Whitening
Wisdom Teeth Removal
White Filling
Gum Disease
Root Canal
Dental Implants
Free Kids Dental
Emergency Dental
Payment Plans


CALL NOW: (07) 3888 7752

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