
A dental crown is a restoration that is used to cover a tooth that has been damaged or decayed. Crowns can be made from different materials, including porcelain, gold, and metal alloys.

In this blog post, we will answer 10 frequently asked questions about dental crowns!

FAQ #1: What are dental crowns made of?

They can be made from different materials, including porcelain, gold, and metal alloys.

Porcelain crowns are the most popular type of dental crown because they look natural and are durable and can be colour matched to the rest of your teeth.

Gold crowns have been popular because they are strong and long-lasting. Metal alloys are not as popular because they can discolour the teeth.

FAQ #2: What are they used for?

Dental crowns are used to cover a tooth that has been damaged or decayed. Crowns can also be used to support a dental bridge, or to protect a tooth that has been weakened by root canal treatment.

FAQ #3: How long do they last?

Dental crowns can last for many years, but they may eventually need to be replaced. The lifespan of a dental crown depends on the material it is made from, as well as how well you take care of your teeth.

FAQ #4: What are the benefits?

There are many benefits, including restoring the function of a damaged tooth, improving the appearance of a tooth, and protecting a weak tooth from further damage.

FAQ #5: Are they expensive?

The cost varies depending on the material they are made from and where you get them done. Porcelain crowns are typically more expensive than gold crowns, 

best dental checkup

FAQ #6: What is the procedure like?

The dental crown procedure usually takes two visits to the dentist. During the first visit, the tooth will be prepared for the dental crown and a temporary crown will be placed. During the second visit, the permanent dental crown will be placed.

At Dakabin Dental, we are able to perform these procedures in just one visit with no temporary crowns required.

Check out our blog post on how we make same day dental crowns possible by clicking here.

FAQ #7: Is the surgery painful?

Most people do not experience any pain during a procedure like this. However, you may feel some discomfort during the numbing process.

FAQ #8: Are there any risks?

There are very few risks associated with dental crowns. The most common complication is that the dental crown does not fit properly and needs to be replaced.

FAQ #9: How can I care for my dental crowns?

You should brush and floss your teeth twice a day and visit the dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings. It is also important to avoid chewing hard foods, that can damage dental crowns.

FAQ #10: Do they fall out?

Dental crowns can fall out if they are not properly cared for. You should brush and floss your teeth twice a day and visit the dentist regularly for check-ups and cleanings to avoid this.

We hope you found this blog post helpful! If you have any further questions about this blog, leave a comment below and we will get back to you.

Take advantage of our FREE Smile Makeover Consultation at Dakabin Dental, to see how we can completely transform your smile! Click here for more information.


Dentists have been using dental crowns to restore teeth for many years and for good reason.

But first…

What is a dental crown?

A dental crown is a cap that is placed over a tooth to restore its shape, size, and strength. Traditionally, dental crowns were made in a lab by a dental technician. This process could take several days, sometimes weeks, and often results in multiple visits to the dentist’s office.

Depending on your case, your dentist will likely recommend a crown to you if your teeth are:

  • Chipped
  • Broken
  • Heavily filled
  • Discoloured
  • Widely spaced apart
  • Or after root canal treatment has been performed

Recently, however, dentists have begun using Cerec machines to create dental crowns right in their own offices. This new technology allows for same-day dental crowns!

Cerec is short for Chairside Economical Restoration of Aesthetic Ceramics and is one of the most recent and advanced technologies currently available in digital dentistry.

The Cerec machine uses a milling machine, CAD/CAM technology (computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing) and 3D imaging software.

The process is quite simple, efficient and involves four distinct phases:

Your Initial Scan – This is where your dentist will scan your teeth using the CEREC scanner, providing an accurate 3D digital impression of your mouth or a specific tooth.

Crown Concept – After the scan has been done using the 3D image, a model will be done using the CEREC machine software. The digital crown will be designed with amazing accuracy to match your natural tooth in size, shape and colour.

Milling – Now for the fun part, the dentist will send the design to the in-house milling machine, the chosen blank is placed into the machine and your crown will be cut out, leaving you with a crown perfected suited for your mouth.

Final Touches – Lastly, the dentist will polish, stain and glaze your new crown to make it look natural and place it into a furnace. This step is why crowns are so strong as the heat increases the hardness and strength of the crown.

Dental crowns are a great way to restore your smile and with the new technology of Cerec machines, you can now get a dental crown in just one visit to the dentist.

The benefits of same-day crowns are eliminating the need for temporary crowns, you can restore your smile quicker without the need for multiple appointments or waiting weeks for your next appointment and the strength and reliability of the technology used that traditional impressions cannot provide.

Same-day dentistry is possible with Cerec and means you will have a dental crown that is specifically designed for your tooth in just one visit.

If you are in need of a dental crown, take advantage of our FREE Smile Makeover Consultation at Dakabin Dental, to see how we can completely transform your smile! Click here for more information


Oral health plays an important role keeping your smile looking its best. More than that though, healthy gums are key to a healthy mouth, and they play a vital role in your overall well-being. 

What are four ways that you can maintain healthy gums:

Keep reading to find out!

We will also explain why oral health is so important and what happens when you don’t take care of your teeth and gums.

Your gums are the foundation for your teeth, so it is important to take care of them. Here are four ways that you can maintain healthy gums:

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day: This is the most important way to maintain healthy gums. Be sure to brush your teeth for two minutes, using circular, gentle motions. Don’t forget to brush your tongue too as bacteria can live here and cause an unhealthy mouth!
  2. Floss daily: Flossing helps remove plaque and bacteria from between your teeth and under your gum line, ideally you should be flossing twice a day, but at a minimum once per day.
  3. Eat a healthy diet: A healthy diet is important for your overall health, including your oral health. Be sure to eat plenty of fruits and vegetables, and limit sugary snacks and drinks. If you do indulge in these every now and then, make sure you brush your teeth afterwards.
  4. See your dentist regularly: Seeing your dentist every six months (if you have healthy teeth and gums) for a cleaning and check-up is important for maintaining healthy gums. If you struggle with oral health, we recommend seeing the dentist every three to four months. Your dentist can help you with a personalized care plan to get your oral health back on track.


Healthy gums provide a foundation for strong teeth, and they help keep your mouth free of bacteria and infection. Additionally, good oral hygiene has been linked with overall good health. For example, research has shown that people with periodontal disease (gum disease) are more likely to suffer from heart disease, stroke, and other chronic conditions.

If you can’t remember the last time you visited the dentist, take advantage of our $99 Check Up and Clean promotion by clicking here


At Dakabin Dental, we are frequently asked about root canal treatment. Also known as endodontic treatment or endodontic therapy, this particular form of dental treatment at your dentist Redcliffe enables you to preserve natural teeth that have become infected, and to alleviate your toothache.

How does the dental pulp become infected?

When it first appears, tooth decay is often superficial, but it has the ability to penetrate further into the tooth if it goes untreated. If it breaks through the enamel and dentine, and reaches the softer centre of the tooth, known as the pulp, then more serious issues can begin to arise.

As your dakabin dental clinic will inform you, the pulp is the area of the tooth that is responsible for keeping the rest of the tooth alive. It is the ‘living’ part of the tooth that is full of blood vessels and nerves.

It is therefore more sensitive than the other parts of the tooth, and the health of the pulp can determine the fate of the entire tooth. In a worse case scenario, the infection can become an abscess that spreads into the surrounding bone, potentially resulting in bone loss in the area, or the loss of the problematic tooth.

Symptoms of infected pulp or damaged dental pulp

Often, people head to their local Dakabin dentist, Kallangur dentist or other dentist near me because they are experiencing the signs and symptoms of infected dental pulp.

If you are experiencing sudden and seemingly random pain in your tooth, sensitivity to hot and cold, pain when biting, local gum swelling or pus accumulation, or if the tooth is loosening, this may indicate your tooth pulp has issues.

However, it is also possible that the patient will be unaware of the issue with their dental pulp. This is actually sometimes a best-case scenario, as long as the patient regularly attends their North Lake dentist, who can detect the issue from examination or an x-ray before it becomes serious.

How is a root canal undertaken by my Dakabin dentist?

The main objective that your emergency dentist Redcliffe has when they are undertaking a Dakabin root canal procedure is to remove the decay and to completely disinfect the tooth. This may sometimes include removing any outdated dental fillings that are responsible for the issue.

Your Dakabin dentist, Kallangur dentist, North Lake dentist, Redcliffe dentist or other dentist near me will then shape the canal of the tooth so that it can be effectively filled with an inert dental material. This eliminates any gaps in the fixed tooth, and prevents reinfection at a later time.

Your dentist will then fill the canal with the dental material, and if necessary, your Dakabin dentist will also fit a dental crown over the tooth to add another level of protection.

Thanks to local anaesthesia or sedation and our focus on gentle dentistry, your root canal procedure at afterpay dentist will be as painless as possible. Contact us on (07) 3888 7752 or book online if you fear your pain may be related to infected dental pulp.

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Tooth decay and diet can’t be separated. As your North Lake dentist will advise, what you eat has a massive impact on the condition of your teeth. Tooth decay is caused when plaque builds up and its bacteria generates acid that can cause damage to your teeth. The more sugar you consume, the more plaque that forms and the more fuel this bacteria has to generate harmful acid.

A person may be more prone to tooth decay if they are prone to a dry mouth. This is because saliva plays an important role in reducing the risk of tooth decay. People may just be genetically prone to producing less saliva than they should, or this tendency can be related to an underlying health condition or a medical prescription.

How to Tell if I Have Decay

Tooth decay damage may show itself as tooth stains or tooth discolouration. It can be hard to identify at home without the help of a dentist north lakes because it can show as white streaks or dark spots, depending on the type of decay an individual is suffering from.

Tooth decay sooner or later leads to tooth cavities. This is another way of saying a hole in the tooth. If tooth decay is left and a cavity develops, the acids in your mouth can eventually wear away until the tooth’s centre, or dental pulp, is affected by tooth decay, a situation which may call for a visit to your nearest emergency dentist Redcliffe.

How do I Prevent Tooth Decay?

Once tooth decay has occurred beyond a certain point, it cannot be corrected with brushing or flossing. However, both of these practices, within a consistent and thorough dental hygiene routine, are critical in preventing decay in the first place.

It is also highly important to visit your afterpay dentist twice a year. They will be able to advice if decay is developing and provide a solution early to stop it becoming worse, such as fluoride. They can also remove plaque, preventing tooth decay from occurring in the first place.

Your dentist Kallangur will also advise that you should reduce your consumption of sugary food and drink. You can also help by avoiding snacking, favouring water over soft drink or juice, and looking at the nutritional information on the products you consume, so that you are aware of their sugar levels.

One of the tooth decay treatment may be to look at ways of increasing your saliva to healthier levels.

How do I Treat Tooth Decay?

In the early stages, your dentist Redcliffe may be able to administer a simple solution such as fluoride or other related products.

If a hole or oral cavity has formed, your Dakabin dentist may recommend a white filling, to restore the problematic part of the tooth. This may also involve removal of the damaged part of the tooth, to ensure structural integrity and prevent the spread of existing decay.

If your decay is already advanced and you are experiencing tooth pain that won’t go away, then you may require a root canal, which is a form of treatment that replaces the infected interior tooth pulp with a sterile filling.

If you need tooth decay treatment, contact your best dentist near me called Kallangur dental surgery Dakabin Dental today. Get in touch on (07) 3888 7752 or explore our website.

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5 Reasons to choose Dakabin Dental

Experienced Staff at Dakabin Dental Clinic

Experienced Staff

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"Innovative Technology for Smile Makeover "

Innovative Technology

Dakabin utilise some of the latest technology on the market to achieve your smile goals.

Flexible Payment Plans

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Common Questions


What if I’m a nervous patient?

Our dentists take a patient-centric, gentle approach to treatment, which means we prioritise your comfort above all else.

What do you charge?

We pride ourselves on offering an affordable dental service and ensuring our patients have access to a wide range of treatment options to suit every budget. Every patient is different, so we will tailor our services to your needs. Talk to us about our payment plans today.

How do I book an appointment?

To book a dental appointment with our team, you can use the online booking system on our website or contact our team on (07) 3354 1448. After an initial consultation, we’ll be able to get started on your smile makeover journey.

Can pregnant or breast-feeding women visit?

Absolutely. It’s important that pregnant and breast-feeding women continue to see the dentist throughout maternity as untreated dental problems can pose a significant health risk. Our modern digital technology ensures that both mother and baby are safe in our clinic, including if x-rays need to be conducted.

Can your equipment be trusted?

The Dakabin Dental clinic is new, which means all our equipment and technology is reliable, modern and unfailing. Our team were diligent when investing in the equipment for our clinic, ensuring each item would support our mission of gentle, effective dental care.


Monday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am – 7:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am – 7:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday: by appointment only
Sunday: Closed


Shop 16, Dakabin Shopping Centre1 Alma Road, Dakabin QLD 4503

(07) 3888 7752

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Monday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am – 7:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am – 7:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday: by appointment only
Sunday: Closed

Full Mouth Rehabilitation
Dental Crowns and Bridges
Teeth Whitening
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White Filling
Gum Disease
Root Canal
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