
Most of us are taught from a young age that we need to brush our teeth and reduce our sugar intake to avoid cavities and tooth decay. While these are important steps, there is more that can be done to proactively prevent decay. A more holistic approach can greatly improve your chances of stopping decay and preventing more in the future.

Mouth Breathing vs. Nasal Breathing for Decay

Breathing through your mouth dries it out, which makes it harder for your immune system to fight bacteria. Nasal breathing is a good habit to learn. Not only does it moisten the mouth, but it also allows the nose to filter air before it reaches the lungs. This filtered air contains less bacteria, which reduces the amount of harmful bacteria in the mouth.

Eat Whole Foods

Eating whole foods helps your teeth’s natural immune defense system, and this includes eating products with full fat which ensures you are including all the important fat soluble vitamins like A, E & K. Processed foods also tend to be high in sugar and low in nutrients, which can lead to cavities and decay.


Take Oral Probiotics for Decay

Oral probiotics help to maintain a healthy balance of bacteria in the mouth, which can neutralise harmful bacteria. Without oral probiotics, this harmful bacteria can build up and lead to cavities or gum disease.

Include Crunchy Raw Vegetables

Raw vegetables help keep your teeth healthy. They are low in sugars and the crunching action required to eat them help create saliva, which helps protect your teeth from cavities. Without raw vegetables (or any other food that requires crunching), there is less saliva produced, which leaves teeth more vulnerable to decay. The work your mouth and jaw has to do to eat such foods also strengthens it which can help prevent crooked teeth from forming or worsening!

By incorporating these simple steps into your daily routine, you can proactively prevent tooth decay and cavities. So start with quick-win changes & add in others as you are able to. The benefits will be most profound in your children, who can experience the life changing habits compounding over time. But you will also notice an improvement in your own dental health over time!

Our dentists here at Dakabin Dental would be happy to answer questions you may have. Book here at your own convenience or you can contact us today on (07) 3888 7752 


Caring for your teeth is an important lifelong habit that prevents disease. Teaching your kids how to care for their teeth early on will set them up for success down the road. Here are five ways to get your kids to brush their teeth regularly and properly!

1. Kids Learn by Example

As a parent, you are your child’s first and best teacher. They learn by watching and copying what you do. So, if you want your kids to develop good dental habits, it’s important that you practice what you preach! Brush your teeth twice a day for two minutes each time, floss daily, and eat a healthy diet. Your kids will follow your lead.

2. Get Regular Checkups

Your dentist can spot problems early and help prevent them from getting worse. They can also help teach your kids how to brush and floss properly. Take your kids to see the dentist every six months for a routine checkup and cleaning. The earlier you start this, the better. Your children will build rapport with your family dentist and will grow up thinking visits to the dentist are normal, not scary!


3. Make Brushing Fun

Making brushing fun for kids can go a long way in getting them to actually do it! There are all sorts of fun toothbrushes, toothpastes, and flosses available these days. Pick out some fun products together and let them choose their favorite! You can also make brushing into a game – see who can brush the longest or make the coolest bubbles while they brush.

4. Offer a Reward

Sometimes all it takes is a little incentive to get kids to do something they may not want to do. If your kid is having trouble getting into the habit of brushing their teeth, try offering a reward for doing it faithfully every day for a week or two. After they’ve developed the habit, you can phase out the rewards. Something like a sticker or activity is better for health than a food based treat.

5. Make Sure Their Diet is Teeth Friendly

Sugary drinks and snacks can cause cavities. Help protect your kid’s teeth by making sure their diet includes plenty of water and teeth-friendly foods like cheese, milk, nuts, and crunchy fruits and veggies. Avoid sugary drinks like soft drinks, sports drinks, and juice, as well as sticky sweets that cling to teeth like candy bars and gummies.

Caring for your teeth is an important lifelong habit that starts in childhood. You can set your kids up for success by teaching them good dental habits early on in life. With your help, your kids will develop healthy habits that will last a lifetime!

Our dentists here at Dakabin Dental would be happy to answer questions you may have regarding your kids oral health and habits. Book now at your own convenience or contact us today on (07) 3888 7752 


Dental Care is Important During Pregnancy

Half of all pregnant women will experience gingivitis, or gum inflammation during pregnancy. Gingivitis leads to periodontal disease, which is a serious infection of the gums. Pregnant women are also at risk of cavities. Adequate dental care ensures that high risk issues are prevented and treated, giving the pregnant woman and her baby the best chance of positive health outcomes. 

Why is Periodontal Disease Concerning?

Pregnant women with periodontal disease are also more likely to experience complications during pregnancy and delivery. It has been linked to preterm birth and low birth weight for the baby.  These complications and others can be severe in extreme cases, so act quickly if you are pregnant or planning a pregnancy. Time is of the essence during pregnancy. It may seem like you have plenty but it goes quickly!

The Reason Dental Health Can Decline During Pregnancy

There are links to hormonal changes that alter the acidity of the mouth. This causes damage to enamel, gums and increases the risk of decay and cavities. In addition, during pregnancy women are more likely to eat foods high in sugar and at unusual times of the day. Dental care can also be forgotten about since there is so much to do, prepare and think about already in preparation for expanding a family. If severe morning sickness or even hyperemesis gravidarum is experienced, vomiting can be especially damaging to your oral health.

Pregnancy dental care

What Can I do?

Visit the dentist for a check up and clean every single trimester and practice good oral hygiene habits at home. These include brushing twice a day, flossing daily, and using mouthwash. Tobacco use, which increases the risk of developing gingivitis or periodontal disease, should also be avoided.

If you are pregnant or planning a baby, book in for your check ups and cleans here. The best outcomes are achieved by planning ahead before anything gets in the way. Prioritise yourself and your baby by taking good care of your teeth and gums.

Most dental work is safe during pregnancy, but the second trimester is the best time to get and procedures done, to ensure your comfort and safety.

Our dentists here at Dakabin Dental would be happy to answer questions you may have regarding oral health before, during or after pregnancy. Contact us today on (07) 3888 7752


If you are reading this blog, then chances are, you have considered teeth whitening in the past.

If you are wanting to restore those pearly whites, then keep reading because Zoom teeth whitening may be the perfect solution for you.

This popular treatment can help you achieve a brighter smile in as little as an hour.

So what’s involved?

The first step is to schedule a consultation with your dentist.

During this appointment, the Dakabin Dental team will assess the condition of your teeth and determine if you are a good candidate for this treatment.

Your dentist will provide you with instructions on how to prepare for your appointment. You will be provided with pre-treatment instructions, which include coming to your appointment with clean teeth. This means that you should brush and floss your teeth before coming in for your treatment.

You will also need to have any metal fillings or other dental appliances removed.

The dentist will then apply a special gel to your teeth. This gel helps to open up the pores of your teeth so that the whitening solution can penetrate more deeply.

The Zoom whitening lamp will then be used to activate the bleaching solution and the light from the lamp will help to break down the stains on your teeth.

In under an hour, your teeth will be significantly whiter, in most cases Zoom whitening can achieve results up to 8 shades whiter in just one sitting!

For those coffee and red wine lovers, if there are any stubborn stains at the end of your treatment, you may recommend additional treatments.

After your treatment is complete, you will want to make sure that you take care of your teeth and follow the after care protocols very closely.

You will need to avoid eating or drinking for at least an hour after your treatment so the whitening solution has time to work and keep whitening your teeth.

Again, those coffee and red wine drinkers, you will need to avoid dark liquids and also foods for a minimum of 24 hours.

This ensures, that with diligent and proper care, your teeth will stay white and bright for months to come.

Check out this amazing Zoom whitening before and after in just one sitting! 

Teeth Whitening and Filling Treatment

So how do we achieve such amazing results?

The Zoom Whitening System uses a hydrogen peroxide gel activated by a special light to quickly remove surface and deep stains from your teeth and is far superior than any home whitening kits or beauty salon teeth whitening services.

This formulation is only able to be used by dentists and is why we can achieve instant, amazing results! The best part is that it’s completely safe for your teeth and gums.

We recommend Zoom teeth whitening twice yearly to keep those pearly whites, well white!

If you are interested in immediate results like the one above and to learn more about this service, click here or for a FREE smile makeover click here. 

Ps if you haven’t had your bi annual check up and clean, get yours for just $99 for a limited time by clicking here. 

Want to read more blogs like this one? Click here. 


When it comes to teeth whitening, there are a lot of different options available. You can go to the dentist and get Zoom teeth whitening, or you can use a home whitening kits. But, which one is better?

With so many company’s promoting different options, sometimes it’s hard to cut through the noise. 

In this blog post, we will compare Zoom teeth whitening and home whitening kits to help you decide which one is right for you!

So what’s the difference between the two? 

Zoom teeth whitening is a professional treatment that is done at the dentist.

The in chair, dental methods uses a special light to speed up the whitening process, that can make your teeth 8 shades lighter in just one visit!

The strength of product used is far superior to any home whitening kits, which is why they are only able to be used by dentists. The down side to achieving your pearly whites…

Zoom teeth whitening is more expensive than home whitening kits. An in-chair Zoom whitening treatment will cost around $750.

Home whitening kits are as the name suggests, a teeth whitening option that is done at home. They can be great option if you want to save money or whiten your teeth at your own pace in the comfort of your own home. 

Home whitening kits usually take a few days to a week to see results and the whitening solution is not as highly concentrated as the in chair Zoom whitening option.

So, which one is better? 

If you want immediate results, then Zoom teeth whitening is the way to go. Zoom teeth whitening can make your teeth up to eight shades lighter in just one visit.

You can get results like this with Zoom teeth whitening. 

Teeth Whitening and Filling Treatment

If you want to save money or whiten your teeth at your own pace, then home whitening kits can be a great option. With home whitening kits, you can see some results in a week to a few weeks of consistent use.

Do you have any questions about teeth whitening? Leave us a comment below and we would be happy to help! Or click here to learn more about Teeth Whitening at Dakabin

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5 Reasons to choose Dakabin Dental

Experienced Staff at Dakabin Dental Clinic

Experienced Staff

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"Innovative Technology for Smile Makeover "

Innovative Technology

Dakabin utilise some of the latest technology on the market to achieve your smile goals.

Flexible Payment Plans

Flexible Payment Plans

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Common Questions


What if I’m a nervous patient?

Our dentists take a patient-centric, gentle approach to treatment, which means we prioritise your comfort above all else.

What do you charge?

We pride ourselves on offering an affordable dental service and ensuring our patients have access to a wide range of treatment options to suit every budget. Every patient is different, so we will tailor our services to your needs. Talk to us about our payment plans today.

How do I book an appointment?

To book a dental appointment with our team, you can use the online booking system on our website or contact our team on (07) 3354 1448. After an initial consultation, we’ll be able to get started on your smile makeover journey.

Can pregnant or breast-feeding women visit?

Absolutely. It’s important that pregnant and breast-feeding women continue to see the dentist throughout maternity as untreated dental problems can pose a significant health risk. Our modern digital technology ensures that both mother and baby are safe in our clinic, including if x-rays need to be conducted.

Can your equipment be trusted?

The Dakabin Dental clinic is new, which means all our equipment and technology is reliable, modern and unfailing. Our team were diligent when investing in the equipment for our clinic, ensuring each item would support our mission of gentle, effective dental care.


Monday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am – 7:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am – 7:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday: by appointment only
Sunday: Closed


Shop 16, Dakabin Shopping Centre1 Alma Road, Dakabin QLD 4503


(07) 3888 7752

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Monday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Tuesday: 8:00am – 7:00pm
Wednesday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Thursday: 8:00am – 7:00pm
Friday: 8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday: by appointment only
Sunday: Closed

Full Mouth Rehabilitation
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Teeth Whitening
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White Filling
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